In accordance with § 15 Insurance Mediation Regulation (Versicherungsvermittlungsverordnung (VersVermV)).
Expat Services UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Almstadtstr. 25
10119 Berlin
Commercial Register: HRB 161011 B
Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin)
Represented by:
Oliver Frankfurth
Phone: +4915678691917 (no support)
E-mail: [email protected]
Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
Intermediary Register (
Registration No.: D-DK4A-SJF20-22
Information regarding professional liability insurance
Name and registered office of the insurer:
Berufshaftpflichtversicherung (Vermögensschadenhaftpflicht): Departure und Relocation Service
HISCOX, Arnulfstraße 31, D-80636 München, T +49 (0)89 545801 300, F +49 (0)89 545801 399
Berufshaftpflichtversicherung (Vermögensschadenhaftpflicht): Versicherungsvermittler
Allianz Versicherungs AG, D-10900 Berlin, Phone: +49 (0) 800 / 1122 3344,
Scope of insurance:
Es besteht weltweiter Versicherungsschutz. / There is worldwide insurance coverage.
Person responsible for editorial
Oliver Frankfurth
c/o Expat Services UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Almstadtstr. 25
10119 Berlin
EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.
Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Insurance Broker License:
Expat Services operates as an insurance brokerage company within the meaning of § 34 d Par. 1 of the Commercial Code (Versicherungsvermittler). A statutory license in accordance with § 34 d Par. 1 of the Commercial Code has been awarded.
Expat Services is registered in the Insurance Intermediary Register with the registration number D-DK4A-SJF20-22 in accordance with § 34 d Par. 7 of the Commercial Code.
Insurance Broker and Corporate Liability Insurance:
Expat Services has a pecuniary damage liability insurance with:
Allianz Versicherungs AG
D-10900 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 800 / 1122 3344
Expat Services operates independently for different insurance companies and has access to a broad variety of available insurance products in the European Union. In case of certain product lines, such as the Public Health Insurance, Expat Services cooperates with different Partners and limited market comparison is offered.
Expat Services is receiving commission from insurance companies for contracts concluded between the User and the insurance company. To do so, Expat Services provides the client with the possibility to get information about the offer and the possibility to complete the application with our partner. The contract is always executed between the insurance company and the insurance holder.
Neither Expat Services, nor an insurance company, or the parent company of an insurance company has shares, directly or indirectly, in the voting rights, or capital of an order of more than 10% of each other. Because Expat Services cooperates with a large number of product providers, Expat Services can offer their clients an extensive selection in all essential insurance areas. Expat Services performs the activities of a broker in this respect.
Registration in the Insurance Intermediary Register can be verified:
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29
D-10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 203080
Web: D-DK4A-SJF20-22
Arbitration Bodies, which can be referred to in a dispute:
Insurance Ombudsman:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Post-Box 080632
D-10006 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 800 / 3696 000
Ombudsman for private and public health insurance:
Post-Box 060222
D-10052 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 180 / 2550 444
Licensing Authorities:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin:
Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Berlin
Department „Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht“
Fasanenstraße 85
D-10623 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 315 10 0
E-Mail: [email protected]